I’ve been doing the Wii portion since January, and I added on the run/walk in February, and I’ve really been sticking to it, as well as eating well; planning out meals for the week, healthy meals that benefit both me and my family. But. Lately I’ve been slipping in the eating area, and after I heard about the tragic death of my friend on Sunday I’ve walked away from exercise. Grant it, I haven’t been sitting on my butt doing nothing; I spent the last three days painting my hallway. I’d say that was a workout. But it’s not my training.
Tuesday night at group we talked about hitting our “Spiritual wall” and how to get past it. I shared about the wall I’ve hit, and how I could feel Him leading me slowly through it. Last night I made my first real meal in about a week. Seriously, pancakes don’t count in my book. I made a wonderful Tilapia recipe with a side of couscous and vegetables. I loved it even if my kids didn’t (can’t win everything). This afternoon I put on my exercise clothes and prepared to run/walk on my treadmill. In the book that goes along with the class each workout has a Scripture verse to focus on. I opened up the book and found that today’s workout went along with Galatians 5:7. I opened up my Bible and read these words: “You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?”
Wow. That hit me. Here’s the thing. The last time I was running the race of becoming healthier, I lost my dad and it all went downhill. This time I was afraid that someone would die (irrational fear, but still there), or that something bad was going to happen. I remember I was in the shower after a workout thinking about this, and I told God that even if something were to happen I would remember what happened last time and I would not let that happen again this time. Unfortunately, I was made human. I know that this was just a short detour, but it was a detour nonetheless, and I wasn’t proud of it. In fact, I knew that God was reminding me of my promise to Him that day, but I just ignored it. The best I could do was keep moving, even if it meant not my typical week. I tried to give Him at least that. But with eating? I had my husband order pizza (and we can’t forget the fried raviolis!), subs, we ate at a Chinese buffet, and who knows what else I’ve put in my mouth.
So, as I stepped onto my treadmill, verse in mind, I apologized for my slip, and asked for His forgiveness. I then proceeded to do my entire workout (day 2 of week 3 instead of day 1 of week 4), and I didn’t care how well I did as long as I finished. Which I did. And I was able to stick to my two mile walk/run. Tomorrow I may actually put my Wii exercise back into the routine (one thing a day).
The race I was running was still there, but I stopped being a participator and became a spectator. Now I’m back on the road and running again, slowly at first, but I will gain speed again.
Lord, though I may push You from me, relying on myself in times of trouble, I’m thankful that You are always there, waiting for me to come back. I can feel You with each step I make, and I know Your arms are always open wide for me. Thank you for countless second chances, and for never leaving me. Please continue to help me run the race you’ve set for me.