Worshiping Him over and over and over again is found throughout Revelation. When I read that I will confess the first thing that came to me was, “Really?” When I think about heaven I think about complete peace, a warm, sunny place, a place where I can be with Christ. I can finally relax and enjoy life. So when I read about worshiping all the time it seemed tedious. Do I really want to go to heaven and spend all my “free-time” saying, “Yea God?”
Ok, yes, yes I do. When I finally got over my initial, let’s call it, stupidity, I realized, I was just being bored by John’s writing. I was reading their praise in a sort of monotone way. Of course that doesn’t sound appealing. But when I really thought about it, I remembered just how much I love praising Him. I praise Him in song all the time. The first part of church is praise and worship, and I look forward to that every week. I listen to K-LOVE on the radio all the time. It was actually a song on there that helped lead me to my salvation. I attend the Women of Faith conference every year. In college I loved attending the praise and worship chapels (I actually stayed for those ones). I already was worshiping Him, and I loved it. I still love it. And the thing is, I can’t get enough of it.
So now, instead of thinking, “Really?” I think, “Wow.” Heaven is a place where I can continue to worship Him, and the people I’ll be with will worship with me. I can keep my focus on Him, and not on trying to convince others of Him because they’ve all accepted Christ. Heaven will be completely Christ centered. We won’t have to run here and there to get things done. We won’t have to stop praising Him, and we definitely won’t have to hide it. What an amazing place we’ll be going to.
“I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.” (Ps 34:1)
“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess His name.” (Heb 13:15)
So many people understood this in the Bible, and they wrote about it. From Old Testament to New, we read about praising Him because He deserves it. And He does; now and always. He gave us everything. We need to give Him thanks and praise. We need to focus on Him. We need to start giving Him praise now, and continue all the days of our lives. And it won’t stop in heaven. Heaven is our ultimate destiny. It is the place promised to us. WHY would we stop giving praise when we get there? I will praise Him joyfully all my days.
May we all find the joy that comes with praising Him each and every day; praise during the good times and the bad. And may we continue to look forward to giving Him praise when we finally meet Him in heaven. Amen.